Wowza! They really tore a lot down today, even though it was cold and rainy. I forgot my camera so a lot of these pictures were taken with my iPhone, and they are a little on the dark side.
This is Ms. O'Rourke's 5th grade room back on November 18th.

This is Ms. O'Rourke's room now, or at least what is left of it..

The stairs are leading up to what's left of Ms Rengel's and Ms. Brand's rooms.

The rubble is removed and then added to the growing pile....

Ms. Henry's 5th grade room back on November 18th....

And now!

Before: Ms. Fluitt/Ms. Heller rooms with the PE/music rooms at the end of the sidewalk.

After: just the PE/music rooms! Where did the Fluitt/Heller rooms go??

There they are, sitting in the East Field, waiting to be hauled off!


And after!

The East Field 4 days ago...

And now!
I took this video of them moving all the scrap metal around. I thought I shut the video off near the end but it was still going, so my apologies for my hand covering it up at the end!
you are doing such a GREAT job documenting all of this! Thanks so much!