Monday, November 16, 2009

Even More Fences!

We were greeted Monday morning with an 8 foot tall plywood fence going the length from the old 4th grade temp buildings all the way to the school property line bordering Reeve's Park. No more wandering the ghost town of old temps. They mean business!

This is a picture from August of our beautiful willow tree. It has apparently become quite a cause, prompting students to make posters and hang them around school. No word yet on the willow's fate, but I will keep you updated!


  1. Enough with the willow tree! That thing has been a menace for years! The kids always hide under it and hang on it. It messes up underground pipe systems...that's probably why the restrrom toilets don't flush right! haha Cut down the willow tree!

  2. Lisa, you should make your own posters for around the school and hang them next to the ones the kids made!!

  3. If that damn tree is what's keeping the ladies' toilets from flushing properly, then I'll chop the bugger down myself.

  4. I'll get the posters ready! I'm putting one next to the teacher's lounge!
