Monday, December 21, 2009

Slow but Steady....

We have had such yucky, rainy weather. I am really amazed that anything has been happening at all.

There has been some progress since my last venture back into the site...the art room is gone, the bathroom building is sitting in the field waiting to be hauled off, the science lab has been jacked up, ready to be the next building to be taken away and the field continues to be scraped free of all the grass.

I cannot believe the science lab is not being demolished like O'Rourke and Rengel's were. It is in such bad shape. I pity the school that gets it, although it did have amazing storage space!

I have no idea what all these crates are for, but I plan on finding out!

Before...the bathrooms and art room with the 2 willow trees in the background.

Now, just the willow trees. Hopefully they will be spared. There used to be a giant rose bush back there too. It , apparently, was not so lucky.

The science lab, getting ready to go make another school very happy! :)

The bathrooms, also waiting to go make another school very happy. I am not sorry to see them leave!

Piles of mud and grass.

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