This is the picture that inspired the title of this most recent posting...seeing the beams rise up from behind the wall. It's really becoming more real, as our new school takes shape! Enjoy these most recent pictures along with some before shots, to see how far it's come. Click on the pics to see them larger.
This picture seems like it was taken 100 years ago, it has been so long. Was it really only about ten months ago?
And now...I just noticed they took the big overhang off the original building's roof.
The east field last November was a muddy mess.
Now it is paved over with the footprint of our new school.
View from the playground rock wall, back in January.
And now...big change!
The ugly wall before Marla's art students got a hold of it.
Now it is covered in flowers!
Back in November (use the tree with that branch for perspective!)
Same tree, same view, 6 months later!
Back in May 2009 (use the light pole and trash can for perspective!)
And now!
Back in May 2009 (use the sidewalk for perspective!)