Monday, August 10, 2009

May 2009...One last look (or so we thought)

In May, it was time to move! All 16 teachers in the temporary buildings had to pack up everything, down to the last pencil. In the science lab, that amounted to over 120 boxes! The plan was to have them all moved to the new temporary buildings by the end of the summer. When I took these pictures, we still had 4 days left of school. Both the Mind Masters room and the science lab were almost packed up. One of the A/C units in the science lab was totally broken, but HISD decided not to come fix it since we were going to be moving into our new temporaries in August. Their stance was, "what's the point?" which made sense to me and Terri, who happens to be my BFF/teaching partner. I took these pictures with the idea in mind that all these temp buildings would be gone when we got back to school in August, and I wanted to remember what it looked like. Sadly, at this point, everything still pretty much looks the same.

The front of our school.

Some of the 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms face the street.

The corner of the street, Jason and Mullins.

View of the east field and the school...original buildings on the right, nasty T-buildings on the left.

East field, soon to be filled with construction.

The side of the P.E. room

Gross T-building row , also soon to be filled with construction.

The breezeway by the Mind Masters room.

Our Mind Masters door with the lovely signs above!